The installation of equipment is a vast and varying topic. It would take hundreds, even thousands of pages of text to cover the many different installations possible. I have chosen to use pictures to show you a typical saltwater installation. I am not a photographer....:) This particular installation was for a 150 gallon saltwater reef setup. It contains all the important equipment necessary to support creatures.

The filtration equipment has been placed in the stand from above. Notice the filter is higher than the stand and must be custom fit. The floor of the stand was removed to accommodate the equipment.

The aquarium was placed *LEVEL* on the stand.

The remainder of the filtration equipment was hooked up to the wet/dry filter. The pump was connected to a custom made manifold, where water could be directed to either the tank, skimmer, UV sterilizer, or the sump.

The overflow box was placed on the back of the aquarium and the 11/4" hose was run to the drip tray. The electrical supply was also installed next to the pump (away from the water). A spray bar was placed in the bottom of the aquarium along the bottom for water circulation.
NOTE: A small hole was placed at the top of the spray bar for a siphon break.

Live rock was added. This procedure can take many hours if the rock is going to be fastened together. Once it has been fastened and stacked it will not come apart again. This prevents rocks from falling when coral is added.
NOTE: Tumbling coral is the most frequent way of killing specimens.

Finally, the back of the aquarium was painted blue and water was added.
The aquarium is ready for creatures.